Roadtrip 2023 Spring: Seaside - Waldport - Bend - Rock Creek Schoolhouse - Richland

Day 8 - Seal Rock

Someone's having a lot of fun with stickers.

The overlook view of Seal Rocks. The amazing tidepools are in the rockbeds on dry sand at low tide, protected by the big reef of rocks that are almost always offshore.

But first, a requisite game of ball.

All socks fly!

The massif of Seal Rock, topped by a green patch and a seagull rookery - the seagulls are just visible along the ridgeline.

What nature can do with a wet sand and a bit of sea foam.

Barnacle waterfall.

The US Navy has spent untold millions developing these sideways anemones. It is not clear why.

The other US Navy project: developing a stainless steel bolt that can be grown in salt water. While it has been demonstrated that some bolts can grow in salt water, getting it to commercial scale has proven more troublesome.

These tidepools are crazy with different life forms.

The sculpin battlefleet awaits its opportunity to strike.

This is the little sister arch to Arch Cape.

A fine tradition renewed: The Flotsam of the Day.

The tide has turned - so these characters should be very happy again very soon.

Caught somethin'.

The catch of today: locally referred to as "Rainbow Perch", these are technically "Striped Perch". Or in this case, "Taco Perch".

Perch castin'

The unusual landscape of Seal Rocks. It's hard to line up low tide with decent weather and a good time of day for a beach walk. So getting to see all of these treasures today is a real treat.

The Seagull Command Post.

Beach's End.

Whirlin' Sea Star.

The sun comes out, and so do the tourists!






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Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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